How to Get a Tidy Garage 2022/01/04

Garages and sheds can easily become a dumping ground. Old bikes, random bottles of cleaning fluid, an old TV - Need I go on?!

Organize and tidy your garage or shed today with our handy tips.

Here's our top tips to organize your garage:

1. The week before you start the big clear out! Have a look and see what storage requirements you may have and choose and order your shelving/rack,here.

2. Ideally choose a dry day to organize your garage and lay items from the garage outside in categories:

Tools, Hobbies, Household, charity, sell

3. Have a good sweep round of the walls, ceiling and floor & clean any windows and doors

4. Put up your racking - our range is super easy to put together, but I can highly recommend our sale range which is keyhole assembly - it's even easier to assemble - you'll need only 10-15 minutes per rack!

5. Decide where each category will go - household near the house, tools near your tool box or workstation

6.Keep the garage tidy and choose Keeptop racking.

Then your garage should look more like below!(2 picture:before and after)

Garage Storage Metal Racking

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